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Complete Moodle Installation Using Virtual Hostname and SSL Certificate
·580 words·3 mins
Linux Moodle
Install Moodle with Nginx and PostgreSQL
·1835 words·9 mins
Linux Moodle PostgreSQL PHP
Using VNC on Xorg with TigerVNC
·405 words·2 mins
Linux X11


Learning Rust using Linux
·170 words·1 min
Linux Rust
PostgreSQL upgrade version 12 to 14
·319 words·2 mins
PostgreSQL Linux


(re-)Starting Career as an Educator at Dicoding
·153 words·1 min
Dicoding educator
Mengelola Catatan/Jurnal di GitHub dengan GitJournal
·249 words·2 mins
Jurnal GitHub Markdown Flutter
Jeli, Teliti & Rendah Hati
·115 words·1 min
The Battle of Neighbourhoods
·763 words·4 mins
Coursera IBM Data Science course
Ulasan Kursus Coursera: IBM Data Science
·565 words·3 mins
Python Coursera IBM Data Science course